Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Learning Profile

I learn best when I am moving and when I focus on the whole picture, the context of the information and by emotional relevance to myself. I can also work with music but movements by others are highly distracting to me. I am also an auditory learner and I must hear the intention and feeling of the person to learn the information. I also interpret language mainly from its tone, pitch and rhythm and dialect. I can remember things from concepts or images. I prefer not to follow step by step instructions, I tend to start by visualizing the end result then intuitively doing what seems right to do.

I need to...
Sit on the right side several rows back so that I can hear easily. To help me I can do activities like, Lazy 8's , blinking whilst tracking with the eyes, cross-lateral hand and foot play. Knitting, writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand. Also massaging the temporal mandibular joint for communication. Cross crawls, walking, dancing, soccer and martial arts.

Strategies to help me in my learning would be Lazy 8's , blinking whilst tracking with the eyes, cross-lateral hand and foot play. Knitting, writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand. Also massaging the temporal mandibular joint for communication. Cross crawls, walking, dancing, soccer and martial arts.

I would like my teachers to know this about me so that they can position me correctly in class and so that if I am stressed before a test they will let me do the exercise’s so that I may be concentrate, which will give me a better end result on my test or quiz, also if I am in class it would be better for me to be able to fiddle with a pencil because it allows me to concentrate on what the teacher says by occupying my hands.