Monday, March 28, 2011


ethnocentric |ˌeθnōˈsentrik|
evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

The British were very ethnocentric, judging the First Australians and calling them savages and animals. At first the British ignored their culture and didn't try to mix with it. After a while when they started mixing and so did their cultures. Both thinking the other's culture was strange and not civilized. This started conflict when McIntyre was killed by the Australians as a form of "pay-back" for the killing of multiple Aboriginals.

Official Appology to Aboriginals

Concluding the movie "The Rabbit-Proof Fence" I can honestly say that what the Australians did to the Aboriginals was cruel and in-humane. They harassed and killed the Aboriginals and stole their children, to make them accept their culture and wipe out the Aboriginal race by "out breeding" them. In all honesty even if every Australian said they were sorry, the deed done would not be forgiven. But it would allow everybody to live in harmony and the Aboriginals would be more comfortable in your society and would be more accepted. All Australians should accept that what their ancestors did to the Aboriginals was wrong and cruel.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly's character

I think that Molly is a true hero. I say this because she formulates a plan to escape from the British and get her sister and cousin home to their mum. Molly leads the two younger ones away from the antagonists (MooDoo + Mr.Nevil). When Molly is faced with the problem that MooDoo is a famous tracker and is on horse she pulls together her knowledge of tracking and uses a bag from her sister to lure MooDoo down-river whilst they escape away up-river. This proves Molly's courage and strength but also her wisdom, these characteristic are that of a hero and help her safely evade MooDoo, for the time being.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Learning Profile

I learn best when I am moving and when I focus on the whole picture, the context of the information and by emotional relevance to myself. I can also work with music but movements by others are highly distracting to me. I am also an auditory learner and I must hear the intention and feeling of the person to learn the information. I also interpret language mainly from its tone, pitch and rhythm and dialect. I can remember things from concepts or images. I prefer not to follow step by step instructions, I tend to start by visualizing the end result then intuitively doing what seems right to do.

I need to...
Sit on the right side several rows back so that I can hear easily. To help me I can do activities like, Lazy 8's , blinking whilst tracking with the eyes, cross-lateral hand and foot play. Knitting, writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand. Also massaging the temporal mandibular joint for communication. Cross crawls, walking, dancing, soccer and martial arts.

Strategies to help me in my learning would be Lazy 8's , blinking whilst tracking with the eyes, cross-lateral hand and foot play. Knitting, writing and drawing with the non-dominant hand. Also massaging the temporal mandibular joint for communication. Cross crawls, walking, dancing, soccer and martial arts.

I would like my teachers to know this about me so that they can position me correctly in class and so that if I am stressed before a test they will let me do the exercise’s so that I may be concentrate, which will give me a better end result on my test or quiz, also if I am in class it would be better for me to be able to fiddle with a pencil because it allows me to concentrate on what the teacher says by occupying my hands.