Monday, November 1, 2010

how can Leonardo da Vinci be realized as a true renaissance man?

Leonardo was a true renaissance man because he was a genious, he was a mathematician, an artist, a sculptor, a physician and he was an architect he was also an engineer, this shows that he was a true renaissance mean because the renaissance was a time of rebirth of the roman and greek ideas of mathematics, art , sculpting, and architecture, also engineering in the roman and greek times was far more advanced than the middle ages and throughout the renaissance the engineering became more and more advanced. Leonardo was a big part in this because he was one of the few people who dared to discect human bodies, he was a master at anatomical accuracy. He also invented the technique of sfumato which blends colours into each other to create depth and distance.

Monday, October 11, 2010

brunelleschi's dome

Brunelleshi was a risk-taker and that made him a genious. He took a risk when he was waiting until the suspense accumulated for the building of the dome on the Cathedral of Florence, that was a risk because somebody could of taken his place. He also took a risk by giving up on sculpting it could of ended his career. Brunelleschi was a risk-taker when he was building the dome, even Cosimo (his commissioner.) doubted his genious plan to make an inner dome to support the outer one. The actions and decisions of people affect change when a person takes action, like Brunelleschi, nobody would have thought about the inner and outer dome theory if they didn't think it would work even brunelleschi had his doubts. He tried and he tried to figure out how to show that his theory would work. Eventually he found that to make an egg stand up you had to crack the bottom a tiny bit and that an eggs inner casing supported the hard outer shell from collapsing in. He took a risk doing this because the judges might not of thought that it was real and he was trying to trick them into giving him the job.This showed that Brunelleschi was prepared to take the risk of being humiliated once again. Brunelleschi's genious came from his risk-taking purely because he took a risk that not a lot of others did, think out of the box.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

I think that ideas come from a persons imagination and curiosity.Often new ideas come from opinions and discussions on other peoples ideas. An idea is a thought, view, a belief or an opinion. When a person creates an idea they are forming a plan,method or scheme. They visualize what the pro's and con's of their idea and come up with the best way to make their idea possible.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Story - What makes a good story?

Over our short story unit,overall my favorite short story was "The Sniper".  Mainly because I enjoyed learning about the historical background of the Irish Civil War and improving my understanding of the Republican and Free State. And with more understanding of the Civil War, I understood the Sniper more easily. I began to understand how his beliefs allowed him to commit acts that I would think unacceptable,     like killing the old woman in the street. I was completely surprised about the story's resolution, but I thought that is was an effective way for O'Flaherty to show the theme. This short story shows that Civil Wars can make people do terrible things like when the Sniper killed the turret man and the old woman and also it shows that even the closest relationships can be torn apart, even families.